1. Guzzle H2O like your life depended on it – because it does!
Studies have shown that if you drink a glass of water 30 minutes before your meal, you’re less likely to overeat. Drinking H20 keeps your cells hydrated, which gives you glowing, healthy skin too.
2. Save it for later
If you cut your meal in half, you might be surprised that you’re not even hungry with half the meal. Portions have grossly increased over time, so set your own portions.
3. Eat Fresh
Eat fresh vegetables, fresh meats, and fresh fish. Stay away from anything boxed or bagged. Fresh foods are high in water content, leaving you more hydrated, and less likely that you’ll need to snack or grazing throughout your day. Fill 2/3 of your plate with vegetables, which are less caloric and more nutritious than any other type of food. Deep green vegetables have more protein than you think!
4. Cut the Sugar
Sneaky, sneaky sugar… it’s hidden in the most unlikely of places. Think again if you’re “low fat” almond milk is “healthy”. Food companies load foods up with sugar when they reduce the fat. Double check the labels, and make sure you’re not eating more than 5-7g of sugar per meal.
5. Fat is Back
Don’t be afraid of increasing your saturated fats (like grass-fed butter, coconut oil, avocados), and decreasing your carbs. Saturated fats are nutrient dense, provide sustained energy, and curb cravings. Additionally, it helps to regulate your hormones so your mood swings and irritability stay in check. (Don’t worry, we all have those reckless moments!)
6. Say too-ta-loo to alcohol, and hello to a clear mind
Ideally you do not want to drink any alcohol if you are serious about losing weight. If you are someone who has a drink every night of the week, then begin with an obtainable goal with only having a drink once a week. Ditch the booze and the weight comes off. You’ll feel more energized and less foggy the next morning too!
7. Sleep More
Sleeping more has been proven to prevent bad decisions throughout your day. The more you sleep, the more likely you’ll have the energy to go to the gym, and the more energy you’ll have to cook that healthy meal. Getting a good nights rest means having a good work-life-balance. If sleeping 7-8 hours a night is not feasible with your life, it’s time to reassess and see where you can prioritize your time to make room in your life for taking care of your health.
8. Cook at home
I primarily eat at home. That is the only way I can safely monitor quality control of my food. Restaurants use hidden oils and sugars that are carcinogenic and bad for your health. I suggest cooking in large portions, and saving the rest for a few days after. Using a crockpot has saved me loads of time too!
Shopping Tip: Check out my favorite crockpot here on Amazon.
9. Find a buddy to workout
In any sense of the meaning of accountability – book a class, sign up for a challenge, make an appointment with a private trainer, or meet a friend. Any of these scenarios holds you accountable. Life gets busy and tough, so this helps keep your fitness top of mind and numero uno on your to-do list.
10. Treat Yourself
…to a massage, new jewelry, or a facial when you reach your weight goal. Do not treat yourself with junk food. This sends your brain the message that eating junk is rewarding and eating well is a punishment. Eating well and having time in the gym is a luxury and should be treated with honor.