Balanced Bites Nutrition Seminar with Diane Sanfilippo and Liz Wolfe

Photo Jan 19, 10 17 49 PM

Attending this 8-hour Paleo Seminar was one of the best Saturdays I’ve had! I had so much fun learning about eating healthy,trying new Paleo recipes from Pete’s Paleo Food Delivery Service, learning the science behind the Paleo Method, and being inspired by true Paleo success stories. I’m a big fan of Diane Sanfilippo, as I’ve read her book, cook all of her Paleo recipes, and listen to her podcasts. I love learning, especially when it comes to my health. I believe in the Paleo Diet, and after the seminar on Saturday, I especially know now that my eating Paleo has scientific background and proof that it works to heal your body and keep your body strong.



1. The Paleo Diet could also be called the ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Diet, as it will heal your body from experiencing inflammation (i.e. acne, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, celiac’s disease, diverticulitis, fibromyalgia, hepatitis, IBS, Parkinson’s, and more). I have personally seen my face and body acne clear up through eating Paleo.

2. Do not become COMPLACENT with a chronic disease you have. Taking anti-acid pills, or pills of any kind everyday, is not “normal”. Heal yourself with your food.

3. YOUR BODY WANTS TO BE HEALTHY and we need to supply it with the right Raw Materials in order for it to do so.

4. WE NEED CHOLESTEROL in order to survive. Our body is made up of Proteins, made out of cholesterol. If we deprive our bodies from cholesterol then we deprive our bodies from healing, repairing, and thriving.

5. PAY ATTENTION to HOW your food is MADE. If there are ingredients on the back of the package that you can’t pronounce, then you shouldn’t be eating them!

6. SUNSHINE is a superfood that our body needs in order to live and thrive.

7. CARBS are CARBAGE! Throw them out of your diet.

8. You can SURVIVE on crappy foods, but you can’t THRIVE


If you’d like to give Paleo a try, check out my 30 Day Perfect Paleo Challenge! 



PRACTICAL PALEO: Screen Shot 2013-01-20 at 4.21.36 PMThis book is amazing! She will break down exactly which foods are good for you and why. She explains everything in a way that’s easy to understand and inspiring to read. The photographs of the food make my mouth water! I’ve tried almost half of her recipes and they are so yummy!! Only $23 on Amazon.

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CAVE GIRL EATS: Not only do I love the “cave girl eats” title of her blog but I loved Liz at the seminar. She’s incredibly knowledgable and sweet. She focuses on healing skin, hair, nails, and other feminine needs. Her e-book was just released and I just snagged one for myself! I’ll let you know how it is (I’m sure it’s good!).


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PALEO KITS: The creator of Paleo Kits is also funding Steve’s Club, which serves to change the lives of local inner-city kids with fitness training and peer mentoring. Purchase some of these delicious healthy snack packs and help out a good cause at the same time. It’s a win-win!


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PETE’S PALEO: If you don’t have time to cook and need to take your Paleo food to-go then I highly recommend Pete’s Paleo delivery service. It’s $125 for 10 meals and 5 snacks, and all the food you receive is locally grown and in the ground just a day or two before. Pretty cool!

Disclaimer: I’m sharing my experience with you and have no professional certification or degree in nutrition. I’m simply sharing with you my experience and encouraging you to do your own research with the resources that I have provided. 

Jacquelyn Umof

I hope you enjoyed that. I love being able to connect with you over something that I'm so passionate about. Everyday I workout and stretch, and I hope to inspire you to do the same, even if it's just 15 minutes. Live the life of your dreams, and keep your body where your soul lives healthy. Remember that you workout because you love your body, not because you're trying to change it. Please check-in and leave a comment below so I know that you've read it, and let me know if there's anything else you want to learn about.