Day 3! Shifting our views…
Our theme for today is NEW PERSPECTIVES, inspired by our pose of the day, DOWNWARD FACING DOG.
Downward Dog flips your world upside down!
When you’re in downdog, your heart is lower than your hips, so you’re technically in an inversion! (And some of you thought going upside in a handstand is not possible, well think again)
New perspectives are scary sometimes. They threaten our comfort zones and encourage us to grow.
Today I challenge you to look at your life through a new perspective, for the purpose of creating happiness and fulfillment.
What would life be like to look at situations differently? To lead your life from your heart instead of fear, from a place of compassion instead of judgment, from acceptance instead of rejection, to go with the flow instead of controlling, to allow yourself to JUST BE instead of constantly doing.
I can be a total controller, wanting everything to go my way, and be exactly how I want it to be.
Can you relate?
I thought so.
Controlling everything only to be disappointed that life doesn’t go as planned is a waste of time and energy.
Let’s shift our perspective to love, openness, connection, and compassion.
I’m working on this, everyday.
Compassion for the world begins with compassion for yourself.
Dig into your body and mind and have compassion for whatever comes up today.
Enjoy the ride while we breathe new life and space into the hamstrings, shoulders, and most importantly – mind.
Let’s do this.
Share your #getstretchy experience with me on Instagram today, I can’t wait to read.
✓ Daily Mantra
✓ Gratitude & Action Worksheet
✓ Watch the Downward Dog Video
✓ Do your Stretches
✓ Hold Downward Dog for 5-10 breathes
✓ Long Deep Breathing Meditation
✓ Check in on social media
Common Mistakes:
- Internally rotating hands and shoulders (possibly tight shoulders, lats)
- Rounding of upper back (possibly tight hamstrings, calves, lats, shoulders)
- Dumping in wrists (weak forearms and hand muscles)
1. Arms Overhead with Blocks
a) Hold arms at a 45 degree angle for 5-10 breaths, pressing thumbs and pinkies into block, releasing in the neck.
b) Hold arms overhead for 5-10 breathes, pressing thumbs and pinkies into block, releasing in the neck. Lengthen sides of waist and lats, draw front ribs down, and externally rotate and open shoulders overhead.
2. Dandasana with Strap
Sit on your mat, place strap over balls of feet, lengthen spine and crown of head tall, use biceps to pull strap lengthen spine forward. Keep spine straight, engage quads, and pull toes back towards shins. Hold for 5-10 breathes, or up to 2 minutes if desired.
If you’re really tight, place a folded up blanket under your hips.
OPTIONAL: Breathing Meditation
✓ Snap a photo of yourself in Downward Facing Dog!
✓ Upload your photo to social media, tag @actionjacquelyn and @getstretchy, use #fallflexibility
✓ Check out the other #fallflexibility participants, comment, like, and show some love to the community!
✓ Check your inbox LATER TODAY for Day 4!