You are currently viewing SHRED your abs in 15 min!

SHRED your abs in 15 min!

Chisel your core in this 15 minute intense standing abs workout!

Alongside the abs and core are the shoulders, arms, chest and back, so we’ll be getting a great upper body workout too!

💥 26 exercises
💥 30 seconds each
💥 no repeats

Your core is about to be CRYING in the best way possible. 😏

Tips to get the MOST out of this workout:

1️⃣ If you are a total beginner, do this a few times without the hand weights, then add them in as you get stronger
2️⃣ Keep your core tight throughout to protect your back
3️⃣ Do this workout 3x/week for best results!

Check in with me after you complete this #corecrusher by posting a sweaty selfie and tagging me on Instagram (@actionjacquelyn). 🤳

Jacquelyn Umof

I hope you enjoyed that. I love being able to connect with you over something that I'm so passionate about. Everyday I workout and stretch, and I hope to inspire you to do the same, even if it's just 15 minutes. Live the life of your dreams, and keep your body where your soul lives healthy. Remember that you workout because you love your body, not because you're trying to change it. Please check-in and leave a comment below so I know that you've read it, and let me know if there's anything else you want to learn about.