Surya Namaskar for Beginners Subscribe to my YouTube Channel! This week I am sharing my step-by-step instructions on Sun Salutation A (aka Surya Namaskar A), which is a great strengthening and toning sequence.… Subscribe to my YouTube Channel! This week I am sharing my step-by-step instructions on Sun Salutation A (aka Surya Namaskar A), which is a great strengthening and toning sequence.…
Neck pain can be treated and prevented with yoga neck stretches. Use this video to help you relieve pain in just 5 minutes. Are you suffering with neck pain? Is…
This is a sneaky way to get an easy and effective hamstring stretch and release while at work. It's so simple, that no one will know what's going on :) I…
Mother's Day is coming up, and there's no better way to set a good example for the kiddos than by keeping yourself healthy. The yoga for moms routine below will help rebuild…
Yoga Poses help relieve stress... There are moments where it seems like we just don't have enough time in the day, so making your yoga poses a priority in your…
Hamstring flexibility plays a major role in your yoga practice development. Many people are after poses, like handstands, that require the posterior chain to be loose enough to achieve those…
Release your inner thighs and improve your middle splits with the video below. This middle splits video is a snippet from my 30-day beginner yoga plan Get Stretchy. Click here to…