Join the Get Upside Challenge (1)


You’re officially part of the Get Upside Down Challenge – woohoo!

Together we’re going to cultivate strength + technique + courage to get upside down!

Watch this video now to learn more.

Invite a friend to join us!

You’re more likely to stick to your goals if you do the challenge with an accountability partner. So invite a friend, and then check your email and “star” it so you don’t miss anything!!



YES! Screenshot this pic and share on Instagram!!

I’ll be looking for your upload! Hashtag #getupsidedown!!


Welcome to the Get Upside DOwn Challenge (2) Checking In with the #takeaction community is an essential part of your success. This is how you stay accountable, support others, and stay motivated by seeing your community stay strong. I can’t wait to see all of your check-ins throughout the challenge!
You’re going to ROCK it!


What is the Get Upside Down Challenge?

Get Upside Down Challenge is a 7-day yoga inversion challenge!! This Challenge is so fun and easy to follow along because I am teaching you how to get started in your yoga inversions journey. Every day we’ll be rocking this challenge together – and you will receive an email from me every single day. The Get Upside Down stratgeically planned to teach you technique, strength, and how to use the two together to get upside down. You can do your videos in the morning or in the evenings. Whatever works best for you!

When does the challenge start?

We’ll be kicking it off November 1st ~ so mark your calendars!

Where do I find my Daily Videos?

In your inbox. Look out for emails from me! My email address is [email protected]. Feel free to hit me up with any questions you have!

Is the Get Upside Down Challenge free?

It’s free to join the challenge! Everyday I will send you to my blog with that day’s materials.

How do I check in? And what do I post? 

You will check in on social media, and everyday I will tell you exactly what to post. If you like to post on Instagram – then tag me there, @actionjacquelyn, use #getupsidedown, and #takeaction. If you like to post on Facebook, then tag me there, ActionJacquelyn, and still use #getupsidedown, and #takeaction.

Your check-ins will keep you accountable and they will encourage the community! I suggest you create an Instagram account dedicated to your fitness, and now you can easily swap between accounts on Instagram! Go to “option” and “add account”. Let’s lift each other up! You never know who you’re inspiring!

How can I take my results to the next level? 

Stay committed to the 7 day challenge, and on your 7th day keep a close eye on your inbox because I am going to reveal a VERY special surprise, exclusive for Get Upside Down Challenge participants, on how to take your results to the next level. I know that you are going to absolutely rock these next 7 days, so let’s get started, and know that you have something to look forward to concluding the challenge. xoxo

Pretty simple, right? Now go check your email for all your goodies 🙂